TEE (Teaming for Excellence in Ed) logo
  • Teaming for Excellence in Education (TEE) Committee was established in compliance with Education Code 11.251, the committee’s role is to advise the Board or its designee in establishing and reviewing the District’s educational goals, objectives, and major District-wide classroom instructional programs identified by the Board or its designee. The committee shall serve exclusively in an advisory role. The guidelines for the committee can be found in BQA (LOCAL) board policy at .

Teaming for Excellence in Education (TEE)

  • The committee meets three times a year. The meetings will be conducted virtually from 4:30 PM – 5:45 PM on the following dates:
    • September 25, 2023

    • February 12, 2024

    • April 22, 2024

    Criteria for serving on ÒÀÒÀÉçÇø’s Teaming for Excellence in Education (TEE) Committee are:

    The committee shall include six parents of students currently enrolled within the District and is not an employee of ÒÀÒÀÉçÇø.

    Community Members
    A community representative must not be a parent of a student currently enrolled and shall reside in the District and be at least 18 years of age. The committee shall include two community members selected by a process that provides for adequate representation of the community’s diversity.

    Business Representatives
    Business member representatives need not reside in nor operate businesses in the District. The committee shall include two business people, selected by a process that provides for adequate representation of the community’s diversity.

    If you are interested in serving as a Parent, Community, or Business representative on the 2023-24 TEE Committee, complete the online application form. Those selected will be contacted by the district.

    Questions concerning the TEE Committee may be directed to Michelle Reese at michelle.reese@birdvilleschools.net or call 817-547-5749.